Wednesday, January 23, 2013

ラタナ・パ、アオテアロア大学パパイオエアキャンパス Ratana Pa and Te Wānanga o Aotearoa- Papaioea UniversityCampus

English translation below!
 23日は、宿泊したラウカワ大学(Te Wānanga o Raukawa)のマラエ(marae)で美味しい朝食を頂き、お別れの儀式の後、マラエを出発しました。その後ラタナ・パ(Ratana Pa)に移動し、ラタナ教会の人々とポーフィリ(powhiri、歓迎の儀式)を共にし、ラタナの人々とアイヌとの交流を行いました。その後は、パーマストン・ノースに移動、アオテアロア大学(Te Wānanga o Aotearoa)のキャンパス内にあるマラエを訪問しました。




January 23rd- After filling up on a delicious breakfast, and saying our farewells to our gracious hosts through a Maori ceremony, we departed from the marae (gathering house) at Te Wananga o Raukawa, a Maori University, for our next destination. After reaching Ratana pa, we joined in with Ratana Church members for a powhiri (welcoming ceremony) and we got to know the members of the church. Then we moved onto Palmerston North, and visited at a marae on the Te Wānanga o Aotearoa (Aotearoa University) Papaieo Campus.

During the powhiri at Ratana pa, one of our hosts, Rauinia said that we should not think of ourselves as strangers, but rather as members of the family- that we are returning to our own home.  A unique aspect of speech making during the powhiri is ending by repeating this phrase “Welcome, Welcome, Welcome” three times to make the guests know they are welcome. These words resonated deeply with each and every one of us, bringing tears to our eyes.
As guests, we gave a performance and Sekine Kenji greeted our hosts in Ainu.  Ainu Party MP Te Ururoa replied with a speech in Maori. Ehara Utae gave a stunning performance on the mukkuri, an Ainu jaw harp, and in the end Shimada Akemi gave the members of the marae a Ainu traditional costume as a present.
Utae noticed that every time she plays the mukkuri in front of a new audience she naturally learns a new technique. “The moment everyone crossed the grass to exchange hongi (a Maori greeting where people exchange the sacred breath that originates from their noses) with our new hosts, I could not stop shedding tears of joy,” Utae shared.
After the powhiri, Ratana Church members shared their history with us. They told us about Ratana’s life story and the divine prophecy he shared that indigenous people have the power to overcome the countries that exert an enormous power over them.  Rauina emphasized how indigenous peoples of the Pacific are strengthening their bonds, and that the day when they will be united as one is coming soon. This left a strong impression on all of us.
Towards the end of our visit of the Ratana church, we were given the chance to walk freely around the church. Maki Sakine and Rauina talked about how there are so many similarities between Ainu and Maori history and although the situation for Ainu may be comparatively more challenging at the moment, Rauina expressed hope that Ainu will persevere in their efforts. Furthermore, she stressed that Ainu are by no means strangers to this land- that Ratana Pa is also their home.


  1. Sorry for being curious (and too lazy to try decyphering the Japanese...), but what is the story behind the old photograph ? Thank you !

    1. No worries Jen. Sorry for the delay in getting the Japanese up. We don't mention the photo in the text here so don't think it is related to your Japanese ability! The photo was a present to us. Ratana Pa had once met a Japanese person and this person was very important to him. It is believed that he was of Ainu descent. I will try to get some more details about it for you soon!
